On February 24-28, 2020 scientists from Romanian Atmospheric Observatory – INOE participated at the event "Different kind of school". This main objective of this event was to promote our activities to the children and students.
On November 1st, 2019 scientists from Romanian Atmospheric Observatory – INOE hosted a debate on Climate Change having as main participants the students from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. Debate topic was based on a document provided by the IPCC's" Intergovernmental Panel on...
On 25-30 August 2019 we participate to European Aerosol Conference EAC 2019.
More details here
1. INOE is involved in the calibration and validation of the satellite missions. In the summer of 2019 several campaigns are foreseen to be executed. On July 2019 a green-house gases measurement campaign will be performed in Poland, with measurement locations in Warsaw, Poznan and Rzecin. This...
Next ACTRIS RO meeting will be held at University of Galati, Romania on June 3-4, 2019
On May 20-24, 2019 we participated to the International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling in Toulouse, France.
During May 2018, scientists from INOE visited several schools/high-schools in Bucharest and Magurele and presented why physics is important, especially atmospheric physics and what a career in research looks like. The main objective of this activity was to enhances school/high school students’...
The Summer School on Science and Technology organized at Magurele on August 30th - September 3rd, 2018 brought together researchers, teachers and highschool students.
Terra. Căminul a 7,4 miliarde de oameni și 1,7 milioane de specii. Între noi și spațiul cosmic, nicio barieră. Doar ATMOSFERA. Nu este prea mult aer. Comparativ cu dimensiunile globului, atmosfera este foarte subțire. De aceea, tot ceea ce se întâmplă pe Pământ o afectează în mod dramatic.
Zilnic auzim în toate mediile de informare cât de mult s-a schimbat planeta noastră în ultimele decenii, OMUL fiind cel ce a contribuit în mod decisiv la această schimbare.
The first week of April is devoted to a different teaching approach. You can use this opportunity to visit the Romanian Atmospheric Observatory: a place where you can generate tornadoes, play with magnetic levitation, and understand lasers. Contact us at rado@inoe.ro for scheduling.
AQUA-GRO 1st campaign was organized between 15 - 29 September 2012. Participating lidar stations: Athens, Bucharest, Oxilithos, Iasi, Timisoara. A medium Saharan dust outbreak was measured both in Greece and Romania between 23-25 of September.
ChArMEx campaign is an European integrated measurement campaign to study pollution transport in Europe. A 72 hours continuous measurements EARLINET exercise was organized in the frame of ChArMEx, from July 9, 06:00 UT, up to July 12, 05:59 UT. The 72 hourly profiles from Bucharest lidar station were fed into the EARLINET's Single Calculus Chain, which was used to obtain in an automatic and homogeneous way optical profiles for all participating stations.
EMEP - PEGASOS campaign is an intensive European measurement campaign focusing on aerosols (EMEP) and oxidizing capacity (PEGASOS), both at ground level and in the altitude. The campaign started at 8th of June and ended at July 17. Bucharest station participated both with lidar aerosol profiles, and ground-based in situ aerosol chemical composition data.
The Atmospheric Remote Sensing summer school (ARSss) is organized by RADO as independent event or coupled with OTEM workshop. It comprises theoretical and hands-on training in different instrumental techniques, algorithm concepts and atmospheric process, as well as courses and practice of complementary skills: presentation, communication, project management, ethics.
Contact: Dr. Doina Nicolae, nnicol@inoe.ro
OTEM Workshop is organized every year since 2006 by the Remote Sensing Department in INOE. The workshop is focused on current issues in environmental science, engineering, management and policies, with special emphasis on optoelectronic techniques, active and passive remote sensing and applications.
Website: http://otem.inoe.ro
Laser Remote Sensing Department participates to ROMENVIROTEC since 2006, this being considered the perfect meeting place for environment protection agencies and institutions from Romania, willing to implement the requirements of the European Union related to this field....
The Observatory open its doors for scientists all over the world offering trans-national access to infrastructure. In the same time, it opens a world of knowledge to young people and children, within its Science Center.
Volcanic ash reaching Europe in April 2010 traveled not as a compact mass, but dispersed between 2 and 14 Km, and this affected aviation and European economy. With our (INOE) 3 aerosol lidar systems and ground-based instruments, we provided daily reports to EARLINET and various national authorities (civil aviation, weather service, environmental agencies) to advise them about plume trajectory, height and density.
This project aims at integrating European ground-based stations equipped with advanced atmospheric probing instrumentation for aerosols, clouds and short-lived gas-phase species. It is a multidisciplinary project, combining ground-based and remote sensing instruments and networks, experimental and theoretical research, modeling and observations.
Although enhancing previous results, partnerships and projects, and benefiting from a synergy of funds (e.g. national funds - project ROLINET, EXIST, REMARKT, EU funds for research - project DELICE) this infrastructure was boosted in 2009 by a 2.43mil EUR Norway Grant (STVES 115266) project, co-financed (0.44 mil EUR) by the National Authority for Scientific Research.
Years ago, somebody smart asked to Romanian scientists to reconsider their individual plans and start working together in partnerships. It was a hard lesson to learn, but a great advantage in accessing international funds, because at the time when programs like Norway Grants were launched, we already had something to build on.
The aim of EARLI09 campaign was to compare reference and non-reference mobile lidar systems in EARLINET in various atmospheric conditions and also to validate all channels showing acceptable deviations. The campaign was organized in Leipzig, Germany, at the Institute for Tropospheric Physics, 4 - 29 May 2009.
Are you curious what is happening in the Atmosphere? Would you like an "hands-on" physics lesson about air pollution, climate change or green energy, instead of long and boring hours of theory? The Romanian Atmospheric Observatory is a nice place to visit together with your teacher. Contact us...