Active remote sensing laboratory

The Active Remote Sensing laboratory includes five lidar systems (multi-wavelength Raman, eye-safe scanning mobile UV mini-lidar, ozone, fluorescence) and a sodar. These instruments provide profiles of aerosol, ozone and organic matter, optical parameters and wind speed and direction. Optical...

Doppler (Wind) Lidar


Doppler (wind) lidar


Doppler LIDAR Stream Line XR system is an active remote sensing instrument which uses laser to identify and measure the distance to a target. It is capable of measuring profiles of backscatter intensity from aerosols and clouds, Doppler wind components and derived...

Multiwavelength Raman lidar - RALI



The Multiwavelength Raman Lidar detects the Raman backscattering radiation from atmospheric water vapor, nitrogen, and Mie / Rayleigh backscattering radiation from atmospheric molecules and aerosol particles. The laser emission wavelengths are 1064 nm (90mJ), 532...




Ceilometer CHM 15K Nimbus is a LIDAR cloud height sensor based on a single wavelength backscattering technique. It detects various cloud layers (max 9), cloud penetration depths, issues the Sky Condition Index, vertical field of view (VOR), aerosol layer heights,...

94 GHz FMCW Doppler Cloud radar


INOE's could radar operates at 3.2 millimeter wavelength which allows for reaching high sensitivity with small sizes of the instrument. The radar provides range profiles of parameters that contain information about scatterers in the atmosphere such as cloud particles, raindrops, snowflakes and...

Micro Rain Radar MRR


Micro-Rain-Radar (MRR) is a unique meteorological radar profiler for hydrometeors in height ranges of 35 m up to 6000 m. It operates at a frequency of 24 GHz. The high resolution in time and height enables the MRR to monitor the genesis of frozen hydrometeors, the melting zone (bright band) and...



The Differential Optical Absorbtion Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique is based on the phenomena of selective absorption of electromagnetic waves from gases. At interaction between radiation and atmospheric components, the UV-VIS molecular absorption is the main process for DOAS technique.

The DOAS...

Fluorescence Lidar - FLUORES


Our fluorescence Lidar (FLUORES) is designed to detect measure and map natural Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM), oil pollution and photosynthetic algae in water. It is optimized for operation from onboard a ship, stationary platform or from a moving vehicle. The dedicated software of FLUORES can...

UV depolarization eye-safe lidar - MILI


The UV depolarization eye-safe Lidar system detects Mie/Rayleigh backscattering from atmospheric molecules and aerosol particles.

The laser emission wavelength is UV 355 nm (20mJ) and the detection channels are 355 cross and 355 parallel. The laser pulse duration is 3-6 ns (at 1064 nm),...

Ozone Differential Absorption Lidar - OLI


The principle of an Ozone Differential Absorption Lidar is based on differential absorption of optical radiation from atmospheric molecules. This technique is used to measure atmospheric gas concentration.

The laser emission / detection wavelengths are 266, 289, 299, 316 nm (having a total of...



The Sodar (sonic detection and ranging) system is used to remotely measure the vertical turbulence structure and the wind profile of the lower layer of the atmosphere.

The Sodar system operates by emitting an acoustic pulse and receiving back the signal. Both the intensity and the Doppler...

IR-VIS aerosol lidar - LISA


The IR-VIS aerosol lidar detects the Mie / Rayleigh backscattering radiation from atmospheric molecules and aerosol particles.

The laser emission wavelengths are 1064 nm (up to 100mJ) and 532 nm (up to 50mJ) and the detection channels are 1064 and 532 nm. The laser pulse duration is 10-12 ns...