HELENA - HERA LIDAR ENGINEERING MODEL ALTIMETER aims the development of a lidar engineering model (EM) altimeter for current and future ESA AIM missions. The project is primary focused on the development of an altimeter for the HERA mission. HELENA design is based on a Laser Landing Altimeter...

International cooperation


FRM4RADAR - 94 GHz Miniature Network for EarthCARE Reference Measurements

DIVA - Demonstration of an Integrated approach for the Validation and exploitation of Atmospheric missions

APEL  - Pilot Study on Assessment of atmospheric optical properties during biomass burning events and long-range transport of desert dust

SAMIRA - SAtellite based Monitoring Initiative for Regional Air quality

NATALI - Neural network Aerosol Typing Algorithm based on LIdar data, ESA AO/1-7557/13/NL/SC, 2014 - 2016



ACTRIS-2 - Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure

ACTRIS - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network

RINGO - Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations

ITARS - Initial Training for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Network

DELICAT - Demonstration of Lidar Based Clear Air Turbulence detection, FP7 - AAT - 2008 - RTD - 1, Proj. no. 233801, 2009 - 2014

DELICE -  Developing the Emerging research potential of Romanian Lidar Centre, FP7 - REGPOT - 2008 - 1, Proj. no. 229907, 2009 - 2012


RADO  - Romanian Atmospheric research 3D Observatory, Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania, Proj. no. STVES 115266, 2011 - 2013



 AEROS - Aerosols in Romania and Switzerland, SNSF -project no. IZERZO_142146 /1, 2012 - 2015



AQUA-GRO - Air quality assessment and study of transport processes along the axis Athens-Aegean Sea (Greece) and Bucharest (Romania) using Lidar techniques, GR-RO Intergovernmental Programme, 2011 - 2013

See more about international projects ...

National cooperation


CONTUR - Emerging Technologies to Counteract the Effects Induced by the Turbulent Flows of Fluid Environments

CHEMOP - CHEMical and Optical characterization of atmospheric suspended Particles, PN-II-RU-PD-2011-3-0082 12/2011, 2011 - 2013

MODIBUS - Predictive modeling of urban systemBucharest dynamics and quantifying of anthropogenic and climatic factors impact by satellite remote sensing and bio-geophysical in-situ data, PN-II-ID-PCE-2008  1043/2009, 2009 - 2012

IDEA - The Effects of Petroleum Pollutants and of Hydrocarbons Natural Degradation on Aquatic Ecosystems, PNCDI II-32-148/2008, 2008 - 2011

MAGEOS - Advanced integrated monitoring system of seismic precursors, modeling and seismic hazard assessment in Vrancea zone by satellite and in situ geophysical data, PNCDI-II- CNMP 32-109/1.10.2008, 2008 - 2011

ROLINET - Romanian Lidar Network, PNCDI II 31002/2007, 2007 - 2010

MOSATCLIM - Monitoring and predictive assessment forRomania of the climatic changes feedbacks impact on landuse/landcover by satellite and biogeophysics in situ data, PNCDI-II- CNMP 31-009/14.09.2007, 2007 - 2010



RO-CEO  - Romanian Cluster for Earth Observation

QIT-MS - Development of quadrupole and multipole ion trap based mass spectrometers for optical characterization and chemical analysis of atmospheric aerosol particles

ISABEL  - Intelligent Software for Aerosol typing Based on Earth observation products, remote sensing measurements and transport modelLing

AirFRAME - Aerosol properties retrieval from remote sensing spectroscopic measurements

ASSESS - Atmospheric studies in support of ESA’s sentinel 4 and 5 products 

STRATUS - SaTellite pRoducts vAlidaTion USing ground based lidar stations

CARESSE - Centre for Atmospheric REmote Sensing and Space Earth observation, STAR 55/2013, 2013 - 2016

CAPESA - Clouds and Aerosols Profiling in suport of ESA’s sentinel 4 and 5 missions, STAR 38/2012, 2012 - 2015

See more about national projects ...


SAMIRA - SAtellite based Monitoring Initiative for Regional Air quality goal is to improve regional and local air quality monitoring through synergetic use of data from present and upcoming satellites, traditionally used in situ air quality monitoring networks and output from chemical transport...

About APEL

APEL  - Pilot Study on Assessment of atmospheric optical properties during biomass burning events and long-range transport of desert dust main objective  is to foster the exchange of expertise between EARLINET and LALINET and to increase the capability of joint research, and thus setting the...


FRM4RADAR - 94 GHz Miniature Network for EarthCARE Reference Measurements project will deploy, operate and exploit cloud radar data at two new sites, one in Sweden, and one in Romania, extending by this the geographical coverage of cloud observations in Europe towards North and East. Transfer of...

About DIVA

DIVA - Demonstration of an Integrated approach for the Validation and exploitation of Atmospheric missions is setting-up of a pilot hub to collect, handle, archive, and exploit in a synergetic way observational data, as provided by the future integrated atmospheric composition ground-based...



We are part of EPROFILE Network since June 2018, submitting Ceilometer data regularly. E-PROFILE is part of the EUMETNET Composite Observing System, EUCOS, managing the European networks of radar wind profilers (RWP) and automatic lidars and ceilometers (ALC) for the monitoring of vertical...

Publications 2011

ISI papers, book chapters, peer-review and proceedings papers published in 2011

Publications 2018

ISI papers, book chapters, peer-review and proceedings papers published in 2018

Publications 2012

ISI papers, book chapters, peer-review and proceedings papers published in 2012

Publications 2013

ISI papers, book chapters, peer-review and proceedings papers published in 2013

Capacity development

EXIST - Extension for R&D infrastructure using remote Sensing Techniques for environmental studies, PN II 76/2007

LAST - 4D Monitoring Laboratory Using Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques, RENAR 249/2006

REMARKT - Strengthening institutional capacity of National R&D Infrastructure using remote Sensing Techniques for environmental studies, 75 CP / II/2007

See more about capacity development projects ...

ACTRIS - Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network


We are part of ACTRIS since the beginning of the network, Apr. 2011, offering trans-national access to infrastructure (RADO-Romanian Atmospheric Observatory) and participating to networking and joint research activities (P.I. Dr. Doina Nicolae).

MWRNET - International Network of Ground-based Microwave Radiometers


MWRnet is a network connecting people working with ground-based microwave radiometers. MWRnet aims to facilitate the exchange of informations in the MWR user community - beginners, experts, and manufacturers - fostering the participation to coordinated international projects. In the long run,...

EUFAR - European Facility for Airborne Research


Dr. Anca Nemuc is expert representative of INOE to EUFAR.

EUSAAR - European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research


INOE is associated partner to EUSAAR since Nov. 2007 (P.I. Dr. Anca Nemuc)

EG-CLIMET COST action- European Ground-Based Observations of Essential Variables for Climate and Operational Meteorology


Dr. Doina Nicolae is one of the experts representatives of Romania to EG-CLIMET since Dec. 2010, together with Prof. Dr. Sabina Stefan (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics).

EARLINET - European Aerosol Research Lidar Network


Bucharest lidar station is part of EARLINET since Nov. 2005 (P.I. Dr. Doina Nicolae), providing data three times per week and during alerts, conform to the protocol, and participating to all important associated events, campaigns and projects.

AERONET - Aerosol Robotic Network


Bucharest CIMEL sunphotometer is part of AERONET since Jul. 2007 (P.I. Dr. Doina Nicolae; site manager Dr. Anca Nemuc), providing continuous data (automatic data collection and transfer).