ISI papers
- Ozone profiles over the South Pole from ground-based retrievals
and satellite data, A. Nemuc, R. DeZafra, J.Optoelectron. Adv.
Mater., Volume 9, No. 11, Pages: 3533-3540, 2007 (link)
- Using classification to derive aerosol number density from
lidar measurements, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, E. Carstea, C. Radu,
J.Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., Volume 9, No. 11, Pages: 3518-3521,
2007 (link)
- Correlative comparison of two optoelectronic carbon monoxide
measuring instruments, I. Ionel, S. Ionel, D. Nicolae,
J.Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., Volume 9, No. 11, Pages: 3541-3545,
2007 (link)
- New Algorithm For The Retrieval Of Aerosol’s Optical Parameters
By Lidar Data Inversion, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, C. Cristescu, Jeni
Ciuciu, A. Nemuc, E. Carstea, L. Belegante, M. Ciobanu, Scientific
Computing in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics in Industry, 2007,
Volume 11, Part I, Pages: 55-61, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-71980-9_4,
2007 (link)
- Use of multi-temporal and multispectral satellite data for
urban change detection analysis, M. Zoran, C. Weber,
J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater., Vol. 9, No. 6, Pages: 1926 – 1932, 2007
Other publications
- Dust event detection from lidar measurements, C. Talianu, A.
Nemuc, D. Nicolae, C. Cristescu, Scientific Bulletin Journal
of“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, A Series, Volume 69, No.
1, pages: 53-62, ISSN:1223-7027, 2007 (link)
- Air pollution monitoring in Bucharest using the open path
technique, L. Belegante, A. Nemuc, D. Zisu, I. Ionel, Proceedings
SPIE, Volume 6745, Pages: 674520, DOI: 10.1117/12.737930, 2007
- Differential Absorption Spectroscopy vs. Point Monitoring, L.
Belegante, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, A. Nemuc, Proceedings of OTEM
2007, Pages: 165-168, 2007
- Planetary boundary layer observation in Bucharest-Magurele
area, E. Carstea, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, A. Nemuc, Proceedings of
OTEM 2007, Pages: 178-182, 2007
- Fluorescence Lidar investigation of Danube River water, J.
Vasilescu, G. Pavelescu, C. Strechie, L. Belegante, E. Carstea,
Proceedings of OTEM 2007, Pages: 106-110, 2007 (link)
- Mixed layer depth determination, using the range squared
corrected lidar signal, S. Stefan, D. Nicolae, V. Filip, A. Nemuc,
Proceedings of OTEM 2007, Pages: 30, 2007
- Water quality changes in the Arges lower basin under the
influence of the human activities, C. Ioja, G. Pavelescu, M.
Matache, M. Stanciulescu, J. Vasilescu, Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology,
Kos Island, Greece, Pages: 536 – 543, 2007 (link)
- An Assessment of the Direct Radiative Forcing of the PM10-Study
Case, S. Stefan, C. Talianu, A. Nemuc, C. Necula, Proceedings of
‘Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols-17th International
Conference’, 13-18 august 2007, Galway, Irlanda, Pages: 512-516,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_103, 2007 (link)
- Is the elastic backscatter lidar limited to evaluate only
qualitatively the suspended matter particles in the air?, D.
Nicolae, C. Talianu, A. Nemuc, E. Carstea, L. Belegante, C. Radu,
Proceedings of SECOTOX CEMEPE, Grecia, 2007III, Pages: 2251-2256,
- Elastic backscattering LIDAR measurements in Bucharest, A.
Nemuc, D. Nicolae, E. Carstea, C. Talianu, Proceedings of‘8th
International Conference on Emission Monitoring’, 5 –6 Septembrie
2007, Dubendorf, Elvetia, Pages: 120-121, 2007
- Dust Intrusion Influence on Atmospheric Boundary Layer using
lidar data, S. Stefan, A. Nemuc, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, V. Filip,
J. Ciuciu, Proceedings of ‘Nucleation and Atmospheric
Aerosols"-17th International Conference’, 13-18 august 2007,Galway,
Irlanda, Pages: 1134-1138, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6475-3_225, 2007
- Water analysis from LIDAR investigations on the Romanian Black
Sea coast, G. Pavelescu, J. Vasilescu, S. Babichenko, D. Savastru,
A. Lisin, T. Onciu, C. Strechie, L. Belegante, Proc. SPIE, Volume
6743, Pages: 67430O-1 - 67430P-7, DOI: 10.1117/12.737921, 2007
- Experimental method for testing non-uniformities from
photodector active area, C. Radu, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, J.
Vasilescu, E. Carstea, L. Belegante, Proceedings of OTEM 2007,
Pages: 162-163, 2007
- Saharan dust event over Bucharest observed by an elastic
backscatter lidar, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, L. Belegante,
E. Carstea, ‘Lidar Technologies, Techniques and Measurements for
Atmosphere Remote Sensing Conference’, Florence, Italy, sept 2007,
Proceedings SPIE, Volume 6750, Pages: 67501C, DOI:
10.1117/12.737886, 2007 (link)
- Influence of Urban Aerosol Pollution to Radiative Forcing, A.
Nemuc, S. Stefan, C. Talianu, Proceedings of ‘Remote Sensing of
Clouds and the Atmosphere Conference’, sept 2007, Florence, Italy,
Proceedings SPIE, Volume 6745, Pages: 674521, DOI:
10.1117/12.737947, 2007 (link)
- Spatial optical solitons in photonic crystals (1D) with cubic
nonlinearity, S. Dontu, V. Babin, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, E.
Ristici, C. Radu, M. Rusu, Proceedings of ‘Advanced Laser
Technologies 2006’, Proceedings SPIE, Volume 6606, Pages: 66060E,
DOI: 10.1117/12.729577, 2007 (link)
- Remote Sensing Facilities for Atmospheric Studies in INOE,
Romania: Present and Perspectives, D. Nicolae, Proceedings workshop
"Modern Techniques in Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry", Szeged,
may 2007 , 2007 (link)
- Saharan Dust Intrusion over Romania, a case study, S. Stefan,
D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, A. Nemuc, Proceedings of Meteorological
Society (EMS) and the 8th European Conference on Applications of
Meteorology (ECAM) Madrid/San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, 1 - 5
October 2007, Vol. 4, EMS2007-A-00504, 2007 (link)
- Climate changes impact the surface albedo of a forest ecosystem
based on MODIS satellite data, M.Zoran, A.Nemuc, Remote Sensing for
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Hydrology IX, Proceedings SPIE Vol.
6742, 67420O, DOI: 10.1117/12.737611, 2007 (link)
- Analysis of surface biophysical parameters of urban ecosystem
derived from satellite data, M. Zoran, C.H. Weber, Remote Sensing
for Agriculture, Ecosystems and Hydrology IX, Proceedings SPIE,
Vol. 6742, 67420O, DOI: 10.1117/12.737624, 2007 (link)
- Analysis of "urban heat island" effect by remote sensing
satellite data, M. Zoran, Remote Sensing for Environmental
Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VII, Proceedings SPIE,
Vol. 6749, 67491O, DOI: 10.1117/12.737614, 2007 (link)
- Integrated Monitoring System for Seismic Risk Assessment in
Vrancea Area, M. Zoran, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series
C: Environmental Security, Vol. 3, Pages: 301-312, DOI:
10.1007/978-1-4020-6575-0_21, (link)
- Data fusion technique for seismic risk assessment in Vrancea
area, M. Zoran, D. Mateciuc, Proceeding International Symposium on
Seismic Risk Reduction, Pages: 291-298, Bucharest, 2007