ISI papers
- Planetary boundary layer height detection from lidar
measurements, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, J. Ciuciu, M. Ciobanu, V.
Babin, J.Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., Volume 8, No. 1, Pages:
243-246, 2006 (link)
- Model of the interband nonlinear absorbtion in amorphous
chalcogenides: quasi-linear analytical solutions, V. Babin, M.
Popescu, M. Ciobanu, N.D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, G. Ciuciu, J. Mat.
Sci: Materials in Electronics, Volume 17, No. 4, Pages: 307-314,
2006 (link)
- Lidar monitoring of aerosols loading over Bucharest, D.
Nicolae, C. Talianu, J. Ciuciu, M. Ciobanu, V. Babin,
J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater., Volume 8, No. 1, Pages: 238-242, 2006
- Laser remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol, D. Nicolae, C.
Cristescu, J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater., Volume 8, No. 5, Pages:
1781-1795, 2006 (link)
- The inverse problem in scattering theory of optical fields, V.
Babin, M. Ciobanu, C. Radu, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., Volume 8,
No. 4, Pages: 1381-1390, 2006 (link)
- The Use Of Multi-Temporal And Multispectral Satellite Data For
Change Detection Analysis Of The Romanian Black Sea Coastal Zone,
M. Zoran, E. Anderson, J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater., Vol. 8, No. 1,
Pages: 252-256, 2006 (link)
- Atmospheric And Spectral Corrections For Estimating Surface
Albedo From Satellite Data, M. Zoran, S. Stefan,
J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater., Vol. 8, No. 1, Pages: 247-251, 2006
Other publications
- Implementation of a LIDAR for aerosol measurements on Magurele
Platform, Romania, A. Nemuc, D. Nicolae, E. Carstea, C. Talianu,
Proceedings of “7th ISTP - International Symposium on Tropospheric
Profiling”, Boulder, USA, 11 - 17 iunie, 2006 (link)
- Investigation of seawater pollution on the Black Sea Romanian
Coast, J. Ciuciu, G. Pavelescu, D. Savastru, D. Nicolae, C.
Talianu, A. Nemuc, D. Secrieriu, SPIE Proceedings of „XII th Joint
International Symposium Atmosperic and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric
Physics” Tomsk, Rusia 2 - 7 Iulie, Volume 6522, Pages: 65221D-1 -
65221D-6, DOI: 10.1117/12.723173, 2006 (link)
- A new method of aerosol optical parameters from elastic
backscatter Lidar data, A. Nemuc, D. Nicolae, E. Carstea, C.
Talianu, Proceedings of“23th ILRC - International Laser Radar
Conference” Nara, Japonia, 24-28 Iulie, 2006
- Data processing algorithm for LIDAR data, L. Belegante, D.
Nicolae, A. Nemuc, C. Talianu, E. Carstea, Proceedings
of„Conference on Visibility, Aerosols, and Atmospheric Optics“
Viena, Austria 3 - 6 Septembrie, 2006
- A numerical model to improve the derivation of aerosols optical
parameters from elastic backscatter lidar data, D. Nicolae, C.
Talianu, A. Nemuc, E. Carstea, J. Ciuciu, C. Cristescu, Proceedings
of “Conference SPIE Remote Sensing”, Stockholm, Sweden, 11 - 16
septembrie, Volume 6367, Pages: 636706-1 - 636706-12, DOI:
10.1117/12.714436 2006 (link)
- Monitoring of trace gases in the atmosphere using the DOAS-M1
system , L. Belegante, G. Pavelescu, J. Vasilescu, Proceedings “1st
International Summer School Optoelectronic Techniques for
Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment”, Baia Mare, Romania,
Pages: 281-287, 2006
- Seawater contaminants analysed by LIF, J. Vasilescu, D.
Nicolae, C. Talianu, D. Secrieriu, G. Pavelescu, Proceedings “1st
International Summer School Optoelectronic Techniques for
Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment”, Baia Mare, Romania,
Pages: 293-297, 2006
- Urban aerosol monitoring by lidar, E. Carstea, D. Nicolae, C.
Talianu, A. Nemuc, Proceedings “1st International Summer School
Optoelectronic Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Risk
Assessment”, Baia Mare, Romania, Pages: 299-302, 2006
- A multispectral remote sensing analysis of Danube Delta and
North-Western coastal zone of Black Sea, M. Zoran, L.F. Zoran,
Global Developments In Environmental Earth Observation from Space,
Workshop EARSeL 2005, June, Porto, Pages: 855-862, 2006 (link)
- Forest changes assessment using satellite remote sensing
imagery, M.A. Zoran, L. F. V. Zoran, Remote Sensing for
Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII, Proc. of SPIE, Vol.
6359, Pages: 63590E 1-11, 2006 (link)
- Analysis of urban surface biophysical parameters from remote
sensing imagery, M.A. Zoran, Remote Sensing for Environmental
Monitoring, GIS Applications and Geology VI, Proceedings of SPIE,
Vol. 6366, Pages: 63660Y, 2006 (link)
- Combining Radar, Optical and GPS data for Vrancea seismic area
analysis, M. Zoran, Proc. ESA FRINGE 2005 SP-610, Pages: 287-298,
2006 (link)