ITARS - Initial Training for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Network, FP7 - PEOPLE - ITN, Proj. no. 289923.

ITARS is a research FP7 project whose goal is to bring together a group of universities, research organizations and high-tech companies from different disciplines (meteorology, geosciences, physics, electrical engineering, mathematics) with the aim to foster training and further development in the area of remote sensing of the atmosphere.


  • to impart an in-depth understanding of instrumentation and algorithms needed to retrieve geophysical quantities and atmospheric applications;
  • to foster the synergy of different sensors by bringing together experts from the individual techniques;
  • to develop and implement pan-European courses on atmospheric remote sensing by exploiting new web-based techniques;
  • to close the gap between the specialized development of single instruments and atmospheric applications by training a new generation of scientists in academia and the private sector.