This phase had in view to carry out complex analyzes in order to emphasize both the strengths and gaps of the Romanian organizations involved in the field of Earth Observation, as well as to identify the alternative solutions for the development of relevant capacities for EO.
Within the RO-CEO consortium, a SWOT analysis of the Earth Observation activities was carried out at national level. It aimed to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to which the EO domain is exposed. Based on the information obtained, it was intended to increase the efficiency and coherence of national practices and policies in the field of EO and to support the consortium members in developing a joint roadmap for collaborative activities. SWOT analysis of the Romanian EO domain has been performed by taking into account the already identified sub-domains: satellite based products and services; applications and technologies for monitoring and studying atmosphere, marine and coastal environment, Earth physics and forestry; big data; portals for accessing, management and data exploitation; observation platforms. By comparing the separate analyzes on the approached sub-domains, some common elements were revealed in all four sequences of the analysis, as well as the internal / external factors specific to each sub-domain. The weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats that have been identified in the present study have been used in the context of the next analysis foreseen in the project.
The Delphi survey aimed to identify and prioritize the Romanian EO issues by correlating assessments from different sources, and developing subsequent scenarios and strategies. The technique consisted of interactive and iterative consultation of a group of experts previously identified by RO-CEO consortium members. Experts were invited to express their point of view with regards of a series of Romanian EO domain issues. The interviews were done through an on-line platform.
The results of both analyzes were collected and disseminated during the AEROSPATIAL2018 International Conference organized by the Elie Carafoli National Aerospace Research Institute ( Possible scenarios (pessimistic and optimistic) regarding the evolution of the EO field in Romania were discussed during the workshop. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis and Delphi survey as well as the debates on different scenarios, a set of recommendations for a future national development strategy for the Earth Observation has been sketched.