QIT-MS (Development of quadrupole and multipole ion trap based mass spectrometers for optical characterization and chemical analysis of atmospheric aerosol particles )
The project aims to investigate urban aerosol particles and characterize their optical properties in a combined approach, consisting of ground based measurements using electrodynamic (Paul) ion traps and mass spectrometry techniques. Our approach suggests using two independent experimental methods: Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry (QIT-MS) and Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The prototype configuration (developed under this project) will be tested to accurately characterize atmospheric nanoparticles in support of present and future satellite based data and observations. The purpose of the project is to open a new perspective and shed new light on aerosol and nanoparticle diagnosis, with a special emphasis on the optical properties associated with them. The basic idea is to introduce new methods and tools for investigation and detail characterization of these particles.
Contract number: 136/20.07.2017 ROSA-STAR Program
Coordinator : National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
Partner 1: National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics
Partner2 : University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Physics
Partner 3: Mira Technologies Group S.R.L.
Implementation period 20.07.2017-20.07.2019