The 1st Summer school of the EU-funded network “ITaRS - Initial Training for atmospheric Remote Sensing” emphasises on aerosols by providing fundamentals of atmospheric optics and observation. At RADO site, participants can get hands-on experience for a variety of instruments (lidar, sun photometer, IR and UV spectroscopy, DOAS, microwave radiometer, sodar and in-situ sensors). Our industrial partners will demonstrate the instruments and give detailed instruction into their operation. Participants will calibrate and intercompare the different instruments and assess the atmospheric situations in terms of boundary layer dynamics, transport, pollution and cloud formation.
The Summer school is primarily for young researchers who want to improve their theoretical and practical skills of working with instruments. The campaign will be done in small groups, each under the supervision of an ITaRS expert. In addition, the school provides the opportunity for participants to expand their network in atmospheric sciences.
Apart from the ITaRS fellows the school is open for 15 PhD students and young post-docs in the field of Atmospheric Sciences. The participation fee is €600, incl. scientific and social activities, material, lunch and coffee. Please send your application (motivation letter and CV) in a single pdf-file to by July 30th.