Proiect LiCARS

Scopul proiectului este de a implementa capacitatile necesare si serviciile Unitatii Lidar prin: a) elaborarea Procedurilor Standard de Operare pentru sistemele lidar de mare putere, ca baza a programului de asigurare/control al calitatii datelor; b) stabilirea procedurilor standard pentru compararea directă cu instrumentele de referință in vederea evaluarii performanțelor generale; c) elaborarea procedurilor de laborator și a ansamblurilor experimentale pentru cuantificarea surselor majore de incertitudine; d) dezvoltarea de instrumente software pentru a facilita controlul calității măsurătorilor.

Proiect DETECT

Prezentul proiect este axat pe dezvoltarea a doua module experimentale pentru detectia turbulentelor in aer clar intalnite in cadrul curselor de linie ale avioanelor comerciale. Principiul aflat la baza detectiei turbulentelor este efectul amplificarii rediatiei retro-imprastiate iar tehnologia dezvoltata va fi de un interes real atat pentru companiile aeriene cat si pentru agentii economici ce doresc comercializarea solutiilor de acest tip.


Proiectul suport ACTRIS IMP este finanțat de UEFISCDI în cadrul call-ului „Premierea participării la Orizont 2020”, PN-III-CEI-SUPORT-PO-2020. Obiectivul principal al proiectului suport ACTRIS IMP este de a consolida parteneriatele naționale cu scopul de a implementa toate cerințele infrastructurii ACTRIS pentru a asigura acceptarea în infrastructură a cât mai multor facilități naționale. Pentru acestea, potențialul de cunoaștere și cercetare al Departamentului de Teledetecție din cadrul INOE va fi valorificat prin consolidarea colaborărilor internaționale și prin diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului ACTRIS IMP în cadrul evenimentelor științifice care vor fi organizate sau la care vor participa, la nivel național și internațional.


CLARA (Aerosol climatology – from remote sensing measurements to deep learning) goal is to develop an advanced aerosol climatology for Romania, starting from a pilot region centered on Bucharest area, covering the full period (2010 – present) of aerosol remote sensing and in-situ measurements from Romanian Atmospheric Research 3D Observatory (RADO,, Bucharest-Magurele, using an expert analysis complemented with state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) techniques. The RADO measurements for this area will be supplemented by satellite measurements and improved modelling results.

About ABBA

ABBA (Assessment of the relationship between Biomass Burning typology and the Aerosol intensive optical properties from LIDAR measurements during smoke transport) project scope is to develop a methodology which quantifies the relationship between the biomass burning typology and the smoke measurements acquired by lidar in remote locations. Biomass burning typology (or smoke typology) will refer to the vegetation type (land cover). The smoke measurements by lidar (observations) are quantified in terms of IOPs. The analysis will be based on the long timeseries (2008-2018) of lidar measurements at INOE (Magurele, Ilfov) and exiting state-of-the-art algorithms that INOE developed in the framework of the European infrastructure ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure -

About CAPA

CAPA (Comprehensive Approach to support Precision Agriculture and environmental management through satellite technologies and classic methods of investigation) objective is the development and implementation of an alert system for precision agriculture and environmental management related to identification of air pollution and extreme weather events.


TEMPEST (Understanding convective storms and their perils in the current and future climate) goal is to transform our knowledge about severe convective storms in Europe by considering their risk, impact and predictability from a multi-hazard, pan-European perspective.

About LARA

LARA (LocAl and long-Range transported Aerosols types, composition and properties) project aims to identify the sources of aerosols in Romania and to characterize them from chemical and optical point of view. This assessment will improve the understanding of atmospheric particles behaviours, including their vertical distribution and will increase the knowledge and data availability regarding aerosols properties and sources in Eastern Europe, mainly the submicronic fraction.


STRATUS (SaTellite pRoducts vAlidaTion USing ground based lidar stations) is a ROSA-STAR project, ctr. 152/2017. The STRATUS project is designed to meet EU efforts to calibrate and validate ESA earth observation programs by providing the backbone to understand and study new satellite products and to make the first steps to perform complementary measurements for validation and calibration purposes. 


ISABEL (Intelligent Software for Aerosol typing Based on Earth observation products, remote sensing measurements and transport modelLing) is a ROSA-STAR project, ctr. 183/2017. The purpose of the project is to develop a state of the art aerosol-typing software prototype based on the classification intelligent algorithms using data from active and passive remote sensing instruments together with satellite imagery and in situ data. 


ASSESS (Atmospheric studies in support of ESA’s sentinel 4 and 5 products) is a ROSA-STAR project, ctr. 150/2017. The main objective of this project is to develop scientific missions for atmospheric research for validation of the satellite products and to improve the ESA’s Sentinel 4, 5 and 5P data accuracy and long term stability of their related products.

About QIT-MS

QIT-MS (Development of quadrupole and multipole ion trap based mass spectrometers for optical characterization and chemical analysis of atmospheric aerosol particles ) aims to investigate urban aerosol particles and characterize their optical properties in a combined approach, consisting of ground based measurements using electrodynamic (Paul) ion traps and mass spectrometry techniques.


AirFRAME (Aerosol properties retrieval from remote sensing spectroscopic measurements) represents the Romanian contribution to international efforts in setting up a ground-based network of monitoring stations which will be used for the calibration and validation of different product regarding the atmosphere during the commissioning and operational phase of existing and future ESA space missions.

About (ro)ACTRIS-PPP

(ro)ACTRIS2 support project is financed by UEFISCDI under "Rewarding participation in Horizon 2020" call for proposals. The main objective of ACTRIS PPP support project is to capitalize the competencies and research potential of INOE (RADO)team by strengthening international collaborations and disseminating the results of ACTRIS PPP project, and not only, during national and international scientific events. This project activities have the role to increase the number of potential partners in order to participate in future Horizon 2020 projects, but also in other research projects.

About (ro)ACTRIS-2

(ro)ACTRIS2 support project is financed by UEFISCDI under "Rewarding participation in Horizon 2020" call for proposals. The main objective of ACTRIS2 support project is to increase the institutional capacity of the INOE (RADO) in order to enhance the participation in H2020 in the field of atmospheric physics and to highlight its competences and research potential by organizing an international scientific event and by participating at national and international level.

About (ro)ECARS

(ro)ECARS support project is financed by UEFISCDI under "Rewarding participation in Horizon 2020" call for proposals. The main objective of ECARS support project is to capitalize existing research skills and potential of INOE (RADO) by organizing an international scientific event and participating to scientific events organized at national and international level.


CEO-TERRA is a project co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development, through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, POC-A.1-A.1.1.1- F- 2015-152/2016. For more information please visit:

About RO-CEO

RO-CEO is a ROSA-STAR project, 109/2016. The overall scope of RO-CEO is to increase the capacity of Romanian organizations to contribute to ESA’s EO programmes and projects, by setting-up the Romanian Cluster for Earth Observation. See more at:



CARESSE represents an initiative to concentrate and organize existing capacities for atmospheric remote sensing in Romania, in order to become a relevant and competent partner for ESA’s EO missions.