ISI papers

  • Air mass modification processes over the Balkans area detected by aerosol Lidar techniques, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, R. Mamouri, E. Carstea, A. Papayannis, G. Tsaknakis, Optoelectron.Adv. Mat. – Rapid communications Vol. 2 Issue: 6, Pages: 405-412, 2008
  • On a three-frequency undulator radiation, V.I.R. Niculescu, M.R. Leonovici,V. Babin,      A. Scarisoreanu, Romanian Journal of Physics Vol. 53 Issue: 5-6, Pages: 775-780, 2008 (link)
  • Using active remote sensing techniques to assess the seawater quality, J. Vasilescu, C. Sliwinski, L. Belegante, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Vol.70 , Issue 4,  Pages 41-48, 2008 (link)
  • Urban Landcover Mapping Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis, M. Zoran, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Mustata, L. Baschir, J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater., Vol. 10, No. 3, Pages: 701-706, 2008 (link)


  • M.Zoran,J.Neuner, D.Mateciuc, C.Ciucu, Geospatial techniques for seismic zones assessment, Ed.Conspress Bucharest 2008, 260 pp, ISBN 978-973-100-032-9.
  • M.Zoran, M.Caian, V.Gancz, Remote Sensing and Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Forest Vegetation Assessment and prediction ”,ed.Conspress,Bucharest, 2008, 310 pp, ISBN: 978-973-100-033-6.


 Book chapters

  • Secretele aerosolului atmosferic in lumina laserilor, S. Stefan, D. Nicolae, M. Caian, Ed. Ars Docendi, ISBN 978-973-558-357-6, 2008


Other publications

  • Coordinated lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET-ASOS Project during calipso overpasses: a case study analysis with modeling support, A. Papayannis, D. Nicolae et al.  , Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Mineral Dust, 15-17 September, Leipzig, Germany, Proceedings SPIE, Volume 7479, 2008 (link)
  • The European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (Earlinet): An Overview, Francesc Rocadenbosch, D. Nicolae et al. Proceedings of  IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium-IGARS08, 2008 (link)
  • Methods of deriving atmospheric layering from lidar data, A. Nemuc, C. Talianu, E. Carstea, C. Radu, D. Nicolae, S. Stefan, Proceedings of 24th ILRC, Pages: 324-327, Boulder, USA, 2008
  • Air mass modification observed by ground-based and space-borne (CALIPSO) lidars over the Balkan Peninsula, R. Mamouri,  A. Papayannis, A. Nemuc, D. Nicolae, E. Giannakaki, D. Balis, G. Tsaknakis, V. Amiridis,  G. Geourgoussis, G. Avdikos Proceedings of 24th ILRC, Pages: 502-505, Boulder, USA, 2008       
  • EARLINET for long term observations of aerosol over EUROPE,  G. Pappalardo, D. Nicolae et al. Proceedings of 24th ILRC Pages: 711-714, Boulder, USA, 2008
  • Troposphere dust aerosols loading detection from Lidar measurements, S. Stefan, A. Nemuc, E. Carstea, C. Radu, Proceedings of EGU (European Geophysical Union) General Assembly, April 13-18, Vol. 10, Pages: EGU2008-A-04995, Vienna, Austria, 2008 (link)
  • Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics from LIDAR Measurements  , S. Stefan, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae,     A. Nemuc, L. Filip, Proceedings of General Assembly of COSPAR (COMMITTEE ON SPACE RESEARCH), Montreal Canada, 12-21 July 2008, Pages: 3030, Paper number: A11-0216-08, 2008 (link)
  • Optical properties of aerosols from Lidar data and other ground-based instruments near Bucharest, A. Nemuc, J. Vasilescu, L. Belegante, C. Radu, Proceedings of 2nd Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol Symposium, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 9-12 Aprilie, Napoli, Italia, Vol. 16,  Pages 67-72, 2008 (link)
  • Analysis of aerosol’s long-range transport using synergetic techniques, C. Radu, D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, C. Talianu,  Proceedings of 2nd Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol Symposium, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 9-12 Aprilie, Napoli, Italia, Vol. 16, Pages  345-352, 2008 (link)
  • Characterization of marine aerosols with on-board optical instruments, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, C. Radu,  L. Belegante OTEM - Indlas 2008, Bran, Romania
  • Optical Properties Of Atmospheric Aerosols Near Bucharest From Sunphotometer data,    A. Nemuc, E. Carstea, L. Belegante,  OTEM - Indlas 2008, Bran, Romania
  • Modes localized in photonic crystals with periodic dielectric structures, V. Babin, C. Radu,A. Nemuc, D. Nicolae, OTEM - Indlas 2008 , Bran, Romania 2008
  • Using the synergy between lidar and sunphotometer to identify the aerosol type and origin,L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, A. Nemuc, OTEM - Indlas 2008, Bran, Romania, 2008
  • LIDAR: a laser tool to study long-range transported aerosols in the troposphere, C.  Radu, L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, OTEM - Indlas 2008, Bran, Romania, 2008
  • Benefits and drawbacks of laser remote sensing in atmosphere science, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, V. Babin, L. Belegante, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Volume 70, No. 4, Pages: 5-14, 2008 (link)
  • Using active remote sensing to assess the seawater quality, Jeni Vasilescu, Claudia Sliwinski, Livio Belegante, Constantin Cristescu, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Volume 70, No. 4, Pages: 41-48, 2008 (link)
  • Radiative properties of clouds in atmospheric boundary layer, S. Stefan,     D. Nicolae, L. Filip, A. Aldea, Proceedings of EGU General Assembly 2008, April 13-18, Viena, Austria,Volume 10, Pages: EGU2008-A-07689, 2008 (link)
  • Aplicatii LIDAR pentru diagnosticarea de la distanta a poluarii cu hidrocarburi in zona costiera a Marii Negre, J. Vasilescu, L. Belegante, V. Babin, C. Strechie-Sliwinski, GEO-ECO-MARINA 14/2008 - Supl. nr.1, Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu – Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice, Volumul 14, Pagini: 154-158, 2008 (link)
  • Use of geospatial and in situ information for seismic hazard assessment in Vrancea area, Romania, M. Zoran, Proceedings Second Workshop on USE of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, Napoli, 11-14 Nov. 2008 (link)