ISABEL (Intelligent Software for Aerosol typing Based on Earth observation products, remote sensing measurements and transport modelLing) is a ROSA-STAR project, ctr. 183/2017.
The purpose of the project is to
develop a state of the art aerosol-typing software prototype based
on the classification intelligent algorithms using data from active
and passive remote sensing instruments together with satellite
imagery and in situ data. The aerosols transport modelling will be
also used to develop this software. Using remote sensing data, the
dependence of the relative humidity of the aerosol size and density
will be analysed and the in order to improve observations of
aerosol optical and hygroscopic properties, hence, providing more
accurate information on the type of aerosol in each aerosol layer
from atmosphere. Combining numerical modelling with the remote
sensing measurements the relationship between sources and receptors
will be analysed in order to make a correlation between aerosol
types and their sources, information important to aerosols