RADO is a new research infrastructure, inaugurated on 30th September 2011. The conceptual design of the center aims to provide national and transnational access not only to the data, but also to the research infrastructure. RADO has offered from the beginning access to the research infrastructure to research groups from the most representative Romanian university centers and national institutes, as well as to smaller independent research groups for atmospheric and climatology studies.  Research groups from University of Bucharest, University “A. I. Cuza” Iasi, University “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romanian National Meteorological Administration (Regional Weather Forecasting Centre, Bacau) have used on a regular basis the RADO infrastructure. 

Within ACTRIS project, RADO offers 2 type of access:

  • Access to data, which is basically done remotely, via RADO's own database and EBAS. Several products are open to any user (e.g. plots and quicklooks) directly from the website (http://quicklooks.inoe.ro), but most of them are accessible by password protected sftp. These are meant for scientific use and addresses to experienced researchers, who are familiar with the specific of the instruments and parameters.
  • Access to infrastructure (laboratories, instruments), which is done at RADO's site. This is generally organized to train young researchers or research groups which are not very experienced in remote sensing, but intending to develop such techniques at their location.

If you want to access the TNA at RADO, please contact Dr. Doina Nicolae nnicol@inoe.ro or visit ACTRIS website: http://www.actris.net/TransNationalAccess/tabid/4628/language/en-GB/Default.aspx